How to reduce waste pollution by taking small steps.

Pollution is growing day by day. It’s like a bad dream not only destroying  our environment but also ruining our ecosystem and life cycle. 


We have a uniquely beautiful world, thus surely it would make sense to preserve it for future generations to enjoy as we do. Landfill sites that are used for dumping ever increasing amounts of domestic rubbish cannot last forever…and nobody wants such a site on their backdoor. Nobody likes incinerators either, even though they offer a possible solution to the question ‘what do we do with all this household rubbish?’ Consider how much rubbish your household produces in one week. Then imagine how much rubbish your street produces…then your city…then your region…then your country. Hopefully then you can begin to imagine the extent of this problem. It’s nice that this rubbish is collected and taken away but it doesn’t disappear. Our wasteful society pollutes the landscape and environment. Yet pollution is not just about landfill rubbish.


It’s not only government jobs to protect environment, we as individuals have some responsibilities towards our environment, government can’t alone save our environment. If every person in the world take their 10 % responsibility towards environment, then we will reduce pollution to 50 %.


Thinking more about what we waste helps to protect the environment by saving energy, reducing pollution, cutting costs and preserving our natural resources.  We can help by paying attention to some important points in our daily life:

  • Sort it out!  Not all of our recycling is taken by helpful dustmen.  Unwanted or leftover food such as tea bags and potato peelings can be added straight to a compost heap.  Plenty of minibeasts will be on-hand there to help!  Little insects help break down food and plant matter and make it into scrumptious soil that plants, trees and other animals love.  Many local councils now include compostable waste in their recycling collections.
  • Recycle Bank  Some councils don’t collect plastics or cardboard but there is always somewhere nearby with big recycling banks where you can take them.
  • Save trees  Save trees by recycling your own paper.  Paper with a clean side can be made into notepads with a simple staple or a hole to tie a piece of string.  These are great for doodles and notes.  If you are buying paper, buy recycled paper.
  • Fashion Statement  Give any unwanted clothes to charity shops or to a Salvation Army recycling bank.  A lot of our unwanted clothes go to the homeless to keep them warm or alternatively, the clothes are sent to developing countries.  There’s always someone who will want that knitted jumper!
  • Would you like a bag?  If you can carry your shopping home without a bag then carry it home.  If you can’t why not take a bag you already have with you.  Re-using bags is the cool way to shop!
  • Packaging is a big problem for the environment because once the product is open you don’t need it and it’s thrown out or, if it’s lucky, recycled.  So avoid buying products that have a lot of paper and plastic around them.
  • Shout out – Tell Friends of the Earth what products or companies you think highlight the problem of our trashed planet. 
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All of these steps could be a great contribute in keeping our environment proper and clean.

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