Category Archives: Uncategorized

Benefits of electronic cigarettes.

Certainly, each of us knows about dangers of smoking. Tobacco smoke has a toxic effect on all organs of our body.

Electronic cigarettes appeared on the world market not so long ago, which are, according to the manufacturer , virtually harmless and help to quit smoking. However, the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes – the issue remains controversial.


In Britain, the use of electronic cigarettes has gained popularity after the ban of real cigarettes five years ago. Incredibly, in Britain, the number of consumers of such cigarettes has reached 1 million people. Such popularity is due to the fact that they can smoke indoors without fear of smoke odor and bad breath. At first, people were shocked by this new invention. I would be shocked too, because electronic cigarettes are very similar to real ones, even by a scheme of action. As in regular cigarettes they have amount of nicotine, but it is so small that it doesn’t have a great effect and it is an effective way to quit smoking, maybe even more effective than patches, and other ways. I know this from experience of my father, who, fortunately, has already quit smoking. But once he experienced great difficulty in throwing the habit. He was throwing more than 10 times with short intervals of time and started again as soon as there were difficulties. I think the effect of these cigarettes would facilitate his efforts to quit smoking. But not everyone shares my opinion.


The Department of Health believes that the use of electronic cigarettes is not reliable and does not lead to long-term effect. They called electronic cigarettes danger that can attract a new wave of the tobacco epidemic.

Another negative aspect is that the good is not subject to registration, and, therefore, no safety tests of this product have been conducted.


Yet, I believe,  that positive aspects electronic cigarettes are more than the negative. That is why I support smoking electronic cigarettes; I think it’s a good replacement of real cigarettes, with minimum causing of harm. But, of course, as proverb is saying “Too much water drowned the miller”. Everywhere must be a limit if we do not want to go through the second wave of the epidemic.

Violation of the biological rhythm.

British scientists have found that sleep in the lighted room day leads to obesity, and as a consequence to an increased risk of developing breast cancer in women.


The researchers conducted an experiment in which they determined that people have a tendency to sleep in bright surroundings areas have a wide waist.  They also found that the degree of illumination impacts on the degree of obesity. However, there is not enough evidence for the assertion of this theory because our body is influenced by many other factors as well.  For example, take me, I’m in my structure a very thin girl, despite the fact that I am an avid adherent of sleeping in a bright room.  And the reason is my fast metabolism that does not allow accumulating a sufficient amount of fat for short period.


Explanation of obesity lies in the inconsistency of the biological rhythm with external factors such as light. There is a wonderful phrase: “God gives to those who rises up early” in which I have found the truth. Everyone knows the feeling when you wake up early in the morning you have more energy and, on contrary if you wake up in the afternoon, you feel with dizzy with reluctance to do anything.

Especially, this problem affects young people, who used to little sleep and a lot of movement and those whose work directly requires regime change and the biological clock. To understand the purpose of sleep is not so difficult. It’s enough to ask ourselves why we sleep. Scientists found that sleep is the body’s defense mechanism that protects a person from darkness. Also in the course of sleep, our body actively produces growth hormones, all tissues (from muscles to brain) are in process of restoring, and our thoughts organize.

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It gives me confidence to claim that a violation of the biological clock leads to various diseases throughout the body, in addition to obesity , such as headaches , abdominal pain , fatigue , distraction, stress , etc.


Those who want to feel awake and sleep, it is important to adhere to its own biological clock and try to do everything in order to not disturb the biological process of the body and to not cause the risks of various diseases as a result.

Where life seems to be nonexistent!

Life has shown its ability to exist even in areas with impossible conditions of living, where it would seem, its existence is unreal, from the highest points and ending with deepest point on the planet Earth.

Marian’s trench is the deepest place in Pacific Ocean that has been reached only three times through this long period of human’s existence. At present time, twelve men have walked on the Moon while only three people have reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench! Surprisingly, even at a depth of 11,521 feet, where the depth is extreme, where sunlight does not pass, researchers had found living organisms.


In the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, the driest places in the world, where no human and animals stepped, scientist still found microorganisms in the holes of rocks.


In radiation conditions microorganisms also showed his stamina and stability. After the Chernobyl disaster, they endured radiation doses of up to 15,000 gray. For instance, humans are capable sustain no more than 5 gray that immediately causes death.


Living beings have an amazing ability to adapt to their environment. The only thing required is time. Though the condition, in which these creatures live, may seem terrible, but their look is not less incredible and terrible than the conditions in which they live.


To survive in these environments, microorganisms possess features such as specially adapted membranes and protein structures, and anti-freeze molecules within their cells. To survive in these environments, microorganisms possess features such as specially adapted membranes and protein structures, and anti-freeze molecules within their cells.

But where is their weak spot? How can they be destroyed? Many scientists believe that the 150 C (300 F) is the threshold, in which micro-organisms die.


However, life continues surprising by its adaptation and sustainability, giving us more reasons to explore this planet and go beyond. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll find something there, out of Earth!


Сompliments – the right way to woman’s heart

All we girls love with ears. Admit, if your man asks just a cup of tea, for example, and if he does it gently inserting the right word, in the second case we will be more likely to answer to his request.


Many writers and poets as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Emily Bronte, Gordon Byron are acknowledged masters of these words. Unfortunately, they were in the past and number of their followers become less and less every day. In modern world, to conquer women, it is not necessary to spend a lot of energy and thoughts, it’s enough to confess to her about your feelings and share common interests or just have fun together. If long ago men were taking first steps, giving flowers, conquering girls by their actions, then now everyone is equal. Girls do first steps, give flowers, and invite to dance. I think it’s a big tragedy.


But why is this happening? It was not so difficult to say a few kind words to your loved one.

Sociologists argue that changes in the relationship between men and women, the idea of equality and “sameness” sexes, negatively impacted the culture of compliments. One of the most important problems is that most of the men are afraid to say about their feeling. There are many reasons for that.

Everyone is probably familiar with a situation where a man of lower rank likes a woman of higher rank who behaves strictly and manly. Therefore, due to discrepancy of social status, even the most self-confident men do not dare to take the first step. As a result, women should be more feminine.


Another common situation when any request is accompanied with compliments. We do not like such compliments, as they are not sincere, and usually used by someone like tools only to achieve his goals as the desire to please someone. I confess that I myself have repeatedly enjoyed this simple strategy when the time came to ask my dad’s money in junior classes . Undoubtedly, this strategy worked. But as soon as it became predictable my father was automatically taking out money of his pocket, even when I was sincere to share my love. The best way to stop this kind of manipulation is to divide the request of the compliment, and to be direct.


The main thing that you must keep in your mind is that a sincere compliment is the best way to find common language and to show your strong, positive and confident sides. Negative perception of others won’t bring a good result. And in address to men and women: “Men, tell more compliments to women! Women, be more feminine!”


Silicone third or natural first?

Nature took care of that all the girls are not the same: some of us are low and some are high, some are fat and some are thin, some have straight hair and some have curly hair, some have puffy breasts and some have only a first size. Yes, we are all different … which is why some of the girls tend to be ideal. Ideal, according to them, means to have certain traits that they like, whether it is a different color of eyes or short hair.


In addition, these glossy magazines, television, movies are full of busty ladies. Some women just can’t resist such temptation and fall under this fashionable wave.

Everybody wants to conform to established standards – idols sexuality and beauty, but not everyone is given a special gift by nature – to be like one of the movie divas or socialite in order to throw men into the heat of their shapes.


That’s why doctors appear. They are happy and ready to help those ladies. Not surprisingly, because everyone is satisfied, and the doctor and the patient.


I did some researches and found that the average price of breast augmentation in Canada worth 5000 dollars.  This money could be the best investment in another interesting project. For instant, you can buy a decent car, leave for a journey, or you can live for a year, sufficiently by food and maybe earn a sufficient layer of fat that could increase the size of your breast.


So, if you are planning to make such a serious step, you must first weigh the “pros” and “cons”. If your husband is not pleased with your forms and requests to change them to his own advantage, then throw a husband and do not solve such a serious step. Ask yourself this question: «Do you really want this, or is it your husband who inspires with this idea?”

Some of the negative effects of surgery are scars, breast sensitivity disorder, the load on the spine , or the risk of implant rupture and leak silicone later.

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In general, before going under the surgeon’s knife, you need to consider carefully whether it is worth doing at all. And remember, girls that the main thing is how you look at yourself in the mirror. If you face a confident, proud woman, pleased with her forms, so then for men you will also look sexy and beautiful. It is not important what is your size, what matters is how you present yourself.

Pollution, as result of our ignorance.

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Million years ago human had excluded him from nature system chain considering him over and not the part of that system. As a result we experience global changings with unfavorable outcomes like for example global heating, lack of resources, energy redistribution, on and on. World was perfectly built before people came and destroyed many normal cycles to get benefit in their favor. However, people accept that and ready to take measures for prevention those disturbance or at least compensation.

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Pollution is one of the important issues that grows day by day. Many less and more development countries solve this problem, when it’s time to solve it.  No one wants to have a mountain of garbage on the back yard but everyone wants this garbage to disappear to elsewhere, out of their plot. But if you think for instant where all garbage goes, you ‘ll find it’s not easy to answer. Government itself searches convenient ways to solve this problem.


Picture a beautiful street with big buildings surrounded by green hills. Isn’t it wonderful! And now picture the same street but instead of buildings and land fields imagine same size and shape bunches of dump. In fact, that is real what’s going on.

Government is not able to solve the problems solely. We as citizens of our country as well as the parts of whole system must be aware of our contribution in order to save our planet.


To support the order is not difficult. All you have to do is to take easy steps from your part and reduce as less dump as possible. If you want to be a good citizen, don’t ignore those programs that are aimed at maintaining the purity and don’t transfer your responsibilities on others, hoping they won’t do the same.

How beauty destroys

All of you have probably heard the term like freaks. Every day the ranks of ordinary people are more and more replenished by individuals who call themselves freaks, some of them consider their look as common manifestation of own credo. Unique views of the world and slightly turretless behavior differ them of normal people. They can be found at work in your pajamas, in the winter – barefoot at social events – in boots and a quilted jacket.


One of these representatives, Valeria Lukyanova, Ukrainian model and Barbie doll became an internet sensation. But do not think that this girl is covered with tattoos, piercings with bizarre makeup. I would refer her to unusual beautiful freak with a beautiful figure, big breasts, small waist , long blond hair, a slender body and a prominent nose. All in perfect composition resembles Barbie . She herself claims that Barbie is the ideal of female beauty to which she actually strives. Her ideal she completes with ethereal makeup, leaving the skin unnaturally white and increasing eye twice by lenses.


With all her appearance and behavior send a challenges to media to draw world’s attention to herself in order to gain popularity. And she also claims that to everyone. Her main activity she enjoys the most is singing and meditation through which according to her she leaves her body for travelling to other planets and civilizations. She claims that she is a child of another civilization, and from time to time she comes back to get in touch with her ancestors. It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?!


I would not have touched this just because of the interest and curiosity, but it goes deeper. The fact is that her ethereal ideas spread all across the west and further, and reach unstable youth minds, altering their ideas and teaching what should not be taught. She already has thousands of subscribers and fans who firmly imitate her style with having no idea why they do that. They just imitate! Imagine what will happen if our world will be attacked by thousands dolls and kens. Humanity will disappear.


All the fault belongs to those magazines and media that educate their pages with similar texts and different photographs of the model in various poses , while emphasizing its unreal appearance. There are plenty people who share the same opinion as me and show their displeasure by commenting and appealing to publisher in order to stop this “fan madness”.


Positive thinking works!

We all go through difficult stages in our lives and we all wonder how to go through and change this period of life. Positive thinking is an answer and proven way to stay on waves and not to sink into the depth of cruelty reality.


One person told me why do you take a shower? That’s because we don’t live in sterile vacuum. We are faced with mud from which we should get rid. The same principle is used on a level of thinking. Sometimes we should clean it from thoughts of the others, from old thoughts that always stick like glue, from exterior useless information, generally speaking.

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“Positive thinking is not about expecting the best would happen every time but, expecting that whatever happens is the best for this moment.”

Everyone would probably heard the phrase “laughter prolongs life”. I believe positive thinking is necessary, because the energy that man releases from himself accumulates around him and also affects his inner state. That’s why I find it’s necessary to convert negative energy into the positive in order to stay in a healthy state and grow personally.


Researchers have found that people perceive important information better if it’s transmitted in a funny manner. I find it quit shocking but at the same time impressive. Just picture yourself that all serious news as political corruption, society frictions, and living space problems are reported in a joke manner. Seems to be inefficient, but the truth is they are.

I admire those people who, despite all the difficulties, look forward with a smile and do not pay attention to small details. After all, if you think about it , then the head’s breaking because of a problem will not resolve the problem, and positive thinking , on the contrary, will give you strength and stimulus to strive again .


There are two sorts of people: pessimists and optimists. For example, negative thinking person, failed from stairs, will going to cry and complain on his knees pain. Positive thinking person, in contrary, will say “It’s ok. At least I quickly went down. “It means that we are the only ones who choose how we react to different events in our lives. Everything depends on from what angle you look at the situation. We are creators of our mood, it’s obvious.


To conclude I will add, that life is short and we must use the time is given to us, living everyday as if it was the last day of our life, perceiving every moment as it was for the first time of our life. This way you’ll notice that life is changed and became more meaningful and bright.

Secret of success!

Not a secret that all people want to succeed. But not all are successful. There are many tips on the way to success. I won’t enumerate all of them. My aim is to generalize them into important strategies that have become my guidelines during short period that I live.

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One great man, my dad, always tells me: “Put yourself on a par with the best, not the worst. Strive always to be among the best. Never rejoice that you’re better than someone. Always strive to improve yourselve”.

For me, success can only be:

• if you do something you love. You could have been a skilled worker for 10 years, you could have received many awards for his work , but it doesn’t mean you’re satisfied with what you do. That’s because it’s not what you like. You do not give free rein to their abilities in a place where they are depressed.


We live in a world of amazing possibilities. People have access to any knowledge they seek. If previously the only resource was the library, it is now possible through the internet, and all kinds of sources like magazines, newspapers, television. If only you have a desire. Most people are afraid to take action immediately after reading my topic; they delay it for late on. And so their success path fades every year, because they still have not found a simple way to achieve their goal.

• A simple way doesn’t exist. Everyone knows the saying “Rome in a day will not be built”. The same principle is involved in success strategy. The path to success lays on steady progress, improvement and self-development, achievement of goals, setting new goals, and so on. Advance leads to more advance. For instant, take all big companies which are developed from small corporations with small income and less people.

• Don’t be afraid to fail as many times as possible. Errors are the right way to find right answers.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford

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• Firstly, change yourself if you want to change the world around you. Psychological studies have shown that the desire and ability to achieve success depends primarily on the personal settings of the man himself, his attitude towards the world and the problems encountered.

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Be patient and time will reward you a trophy. There are no losers, there are non-active. It is quite obvious that those who has failed in the beginning, but still strive to take another attempt to turn the situation to their advantage, have more chance to succeed than those who drop their hands after the first failure.


How will life look like in future?

Current statistics, data, scientific achievements allow us to make prediction for the future of humanity. All that now seems incredible can become a reality 100 years later. Forecasts can carry both positive and negative characters. Positive include: breakthrough in the medicine, as a result we would live longer, have more immunity, increase the speed of our thinking, technology breakthrough, space exploration and science. But I will talk about negative issues that can be yet fixed.


If you saw a movie called “Wall-e” than you would probably remembered those chummy guys most of the time sitting in their comfortable chairs without any physical load. And the only workers who make a hard job are robots. The robots who are distributed everywhere, pleasing whatever wish you like, having no big necessities. Well, you can say it’s just a movie, not a big deal! But unfortunately that can be a real fate of humanity. You open TV and what you see: it’s full of advertisements of new technology stuff whether for house or for you (harvester with inserted uicer, dishwasher, iron, ironing clothes without touching, waist trousers  and so on)


I’m not the opponent of these creative things; I find them very useful and helpful when you don’t really have a time. Modern people are very busy with their works. Everyone tends to earn its place under the sun. Therefore they don’t have enough time to make routine works.

But let’s not forget about our roots and keep at least the small part of who we are. if you think about it , with  this pace of production we will not soon manage our technology , but instead it will manage us.

Cambridge University scientists believe that ancient people were much more advanced athletes. Before moving to the agricultural period of mankind people have stronger muscles and bones .


So what caused weakening of people? Scientists attribute this to the transition from hunting and gathering to an agricultural society.  In the 21st century, people have gone further by starting to spend more time on the Internet, solving the most important problems by pressing one button on the keyboard.

And what about racial mixing? National geographic 125th anniversary issue gives us idea of how people will look in far multiracial future if the pace of multicultural marriages will pursue. Of course they are incredibly beautiful and unusual. But think about the nature of races’ mixing. It’s not natural. We are not supposed to be mixed. That’s why God created us differently on different continents.  Mixing will lead to cultural decline, religion indeterminacy, and just ceasing of poor bloodline. The number of marriages has more than doubled since it was 25 years ago.


In conclusion, man is himself in control of his future. Technology, lazy people, miscegenation are favorable factors but within its limits. Let’s not forget our roots and traditions, let’s let in the new technology, but not forget about our own abilities. After all, God gave us arms and legs to move, not to sit in one place.